About me
Hello, troopers!
A little bit about me. I am an Air Force brat that moved around until my dad retired in California. I joined the Army during the Reagan years and have been Conservative for my adult life, until recently. I now consider myself a libertarian (small l). I believe this country is worth fighting for, and I will do again so if necessary. I am a disabled vet but a heck of a shot, though more range time is always necessary.
I have my degree in Management Information Systems from a California university.
I am married to a wonderful woman, Household6 (HH6), who I am still amazed that she loves me. We have 2 children who will remain anonymous until I find good enough names for them.
That is about it for now. The Corporal has early PT tomorrow morning and needs to clean the weapons in the barracks.
More tomorrow.
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