
Vote Republican. Cling to your God and Guns.

29 June 2006

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

To to let everyone out there know, if I ever meet anyone who either discloses classified information or reports on it after learning about it, I will spit in your face and kick you in the crotch.

To me there is no lower form of human who would sell out their country. I admire Islamists more; at least they have an ideal that they are fighting for (screwed up though it may be, and they do not F their buddies for a by-line).

I took an oath, twice. The first was to support and defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic. To me, someone who srites about ongoing classified anti-terror operations is an enemy. You cannot hide behind the 1st Amendment; go read the new Ann Coulter article.

The second oath was in the forma of a Non-Disclosure Agreement. It basically said that in exchange for the privilege of working with classified information, I would not tell anybody. Pretty straghtforward, if you ask me. So someone who breaks that promise in a time of war should be shot, after a trial by a jury of his/her peers. It should also be televised (I would even pay for it, on Pay-Per-View and record the fucker getting shot). There should be no leniency. I am amazed that Congress is not doing anything about it. But it is an election year...

If they are now able to blow up the Transamerica Building in San Francisco because of diverted funds that could have been traced using the SWIFT program, we should punish those directly or indirectly responsible. That includes the staff writers and their editor and the editor in chief. String them all up.

Mrdejte Vas, vsechne (if any of my Czech-speking friends knows how to properly spell this, let me know and I will change it; if you are reading it anyway.


At 5:16 PM, Blogger crazy bastard said...

I couldn't agree more.

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must have been very upset when people in the Bush cabinet outed Valerie Plame (the undercover CIA agent) through Robert Novak's column a couple of years ago. I take it you would apply the same standards to these people?

At 2:57 PM, Blogger ChargeOfQuarters said...

No one gets a reprieve; telling secrets is telling secrets. But from what I understand, Ms. Plame's position in the CIA was no longer classified; she was not running ops nor was she running agents... If I am wriong then the same standard applies...

Thanks for reading... I appreciate it!!


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