
Vote Republican. Cling to your God and Guns.

30 June 2006

What is "Charge of Quarters"

My son Bailey was reading over my shoulder, and he asked me what Charge of Quarters is. So I explained to him that Charge of Quarters, or CQ, is an enlisted man who handles his unit's administrative matters after hours. It is normally handled by an NCO (NonCommisioned officer - CPL or above in the Army), and you have to stay up all night to answer phone calls and make sure the troops don't make asses of themsleves and burn the barracks down.

Normally one has it after working all day, and having to stay up all night is not a welcome thought.

If the CQ has an assiatant, he gets to sleep; ortherwise they read or play Playstation or XBox...

But it still sucks...

Now you know.


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