Skinny Dipping!!

Well, not really (but it got your attention, didn't it!!!)
As I was putting my Auxiliary Home Alarm System in Standby Mode (also know as putting my dog out to do her nightly business), I decided to get my feet wet in my pool. It has been well over 100 degrees for over a week,and my pool temp is a brisk 88 degrees, not a very refreshing temperature, to be sure. But I thought it might be nice to get my feet wet to try to cool off.
I try to put my feet on the top step, only I missed. I was actually near the washout area, which is roughly 18 inches, only I was off balance. Knowing I could either get hurt or get really wet, I chose the latter, and jumped away and fell into the pool.
I was lucky; I didn't get hurt, and I had to change my clothes anyway.
Here is a picture of my guard dog; doing what she does best...
My daughter looked at me and laughed her ass off as she got me a towel. She is grounded for the rest of the month.
Not really, but she did laugh her ass off, the brat.
She looks like a real sweetheart. What's her name?
Bella is her name.
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