
Vote Republican. Cling to your God and Guns.

04 August 2006

For the Record...

My idea fora UN Peacekeeping force would be the 31st Marine Expeditionar Unit (Special Operations Capable), including its air and naval assets, and a battalion of the British Parachute Regiment, with some Australian assets thrown in for good measure...

If there needs to be a force to keep the peace, then give it some bite. I have yet to see a peacekeeping force that could fight its way out of a paper sack... If Hezbollah wants topark its missiles near them, they would not last long...

Peace definitely would be restored... Indonesian and subpar troops that are inexperienced in the art of war and afraid to fight are not the answer. The United States already has troops in the Sinai Peninsula as part of the Multi-National Force & Observers, there since its inception (the National Guard rotates battalions out of there). This would not be a problem, once we withdraw most of our troops from Iraq.

I am not saying this is the answer, but like I mentioned, if you want a peacekeeping force, use troops that are well-trained, and give them rules of engagement that authorizes swift and harsh punishment for any breach of peace.

Like they say, "No better friend, no worse enemy than a United States Marine."

I am now off my soapbox... go here to read how ineffectively UNIFIL did its job.


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