
Vote Republican. Cling to your God and Guns.

14 June 2006

Hadji Girl Update

I posted this a few months ago. As I said, it is probably not PC, and now with the crap allegations (which are jus that - allegations) about Haditha, CAIR is a little upset about it.

I am going to say this probabaly more than once, so get used to it:

Marines are a strange folk, there is no doubt about it. But people, get a grip! It is a song. That is it. If you actually think that He is singing about an actual experience, then I have some nice Raspberry Kool-Aid for you. Get in line.

However, as the Marines say, "No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy." The guy wrote the song to let off steam, and I applaud him for it (It is pretty funny, and I wish I could play the guitar).

Let it go. This song has absolutely nothing to do with anything, other than raising morale. CAIR can KISS my white American prdel (look it up if you do not know what it means, but hopefully you get the picture).

My Heroine Michelle Malkin has already written on this as well.


At 8:29 AM, Blogger cary said...

We are not strange. We are differently wired.

Stand tall, CoQ!

At 10:40 AM, Blogger ChargeOfQuarters said...

Thanks, will do!!


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