
Vote Republican. Cling to your God and Guns.

26 August 2005

Curious about owning "Assault Weapons"?

Check out this and then tell me the 2nd Amendment is for hunting...


At 11:02 AM, Blogger Roger C. said...

That was a well thought out and eloquently defined argument. I have no real problem with its content. However, you have to admit the proliferation of violent crime (which has multiplied drastically since 1788) creates a problem which the founding fathers didn't forsee.

Though most honest citizens register and secure their firearms (thus your gun safe), the undeniable truth is not everyone is appropriately self-discliplined in the handling and storing of their weapons, and that these weapons do get stolen. Once in the hands of a thief, this is no longer a tool in maintaining a well regulated militia to secure the defense of citizens against a tyrannical government, but a tool which can (and is) used by a stupid 18-year old kid who decides that the red Porsche sitting at the stop light should be his.

It is a conundrum. Though I don't own a firearm, I want and will own one or twenty someday. But there has to be some controls in place to minimize the access to weapons which so easily get into the wrong hands. I don't have a solution, but I believe until the keystone is discovered, the best security to keep the toys on the top shelf out of the reach of children.

One final comment, and I would like readers to consider this for themselves in serious self-reflection: Do you really sit there holding that AK or AR and say to yourself "Thank GOD I have this because my government could go martial law at any time..." (because our governemt has such a long history of this), OR more than likely "Damn this thing's just a blast to shoot!" I truly believe for most people it is the latter, and this soap box is a convenient duck blind to allow them to continue playing with their toys.

At 8:37 PM, Blogger ChargeOfQuarters said...

I honestly believe that most people who do own these types of rifles are the ones aho fervently believe that there moght be a day that there is no other optoin but action against or government. I will email you some URLs of blogs that are pro-2A...

At 12:40 AM, Blogger Roger C. said...

Again, my point is not that that they are Pro 2nd Amendment, but is their thinking along the lines of what the 2nd Amandment really says...

It is my assertion that a large majority place the right to own weapons indivisible, without any need for justification, and if you asked them why, the answer would not be "to be sure the Government doesn't try to rise up against me..." I say this because we as a Nation have no precedents in our history to support this kind of thinking. Could it happen? Maybe. But I think we would definitely see it coming before it went anywhere.

All I am saying is consider carefully the opinions of someone who says "the government could take over at any time" and make them justify their claims in ironclad detail.


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