So much for the 2nd and 4th Amendments...
I guess the Superintendent of the NOLA PD has decided to impose tyrannical rule, by disarming everybody in N'Awlins.
Quote: "No one is allowed to be armed. We're going to take all the guns."
-P. Edwin Compass III, the superintendent of police.
I have read this over at both Kim duToit's and Geek with a .45's sites. I am sure that the rest of the Blogosphere will be on it, as well. I hope that Hugh Hewitt and others more powerful get on this, and I sure as shit hope someone sues them over this. I am also sure that the ACLU wouldn't want to help out. Bastards.
I spoke to my dad about this, and though he mentioned that he would hate to see them try to take MY weapons (I cannot stand the term 'gun"), he also mentioned that I am not stupid enough to hang around if a situation presented itself where I live.
Thanks, Dad.
Oh ,and to the powers that be:
Molon labe
If you do not know what that means, visit the link. And learn.
UPDATE: Smoke on the water opines
As does Chris the Anarchamgel here. GO read therem as well the updates at the end.
It appears that a line has been crossed, and there are some pretty pissed off about it.
As I said, Molon Labe, baby
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