New Friend
I have found a sick and demented soul with clear political views. Go to Flaming Asshattery and read; he will crack you up as well as make you think.
Good stuff...
Vote Republican. Cling to your God and Guns.
I have found a sick and demented soul with clear political views. Go to Flaming Asshattery and read; he will crack you up as well as make you think.
So I was talking to Lee, a buddy of mine, on my way to the gym this morning, and we discussed Texas.
My son Bailey was reading over my shoulder, and he asked me what Charge of Quarters is. So I explained to him that Charge of Quarters, or CQ, is an enlisted man who handles his unit's administrative matters after hours. It is normally handled by an NCO (NonCommisioned officer - CPL or above in the Army), and you have to stay up all night to answer phone calls and make sure the troops don't make asses of themsleves and burn the barracks down.
that my dog has given me.
On The O'Reilly Factor, and I am still convinced that Senator Kerry is a twit. For the people of the United States to trust him or his ilk the National Security of this nation would seriously jeopardize this country to the point that we would be attacked within 6 months.
I am in an 80s mood lately, as I have said before, and I recall a great song by, again, Depeche Mode, called New Dress. If you read the lyrics, I'm not sure what he means by change the facts, but I think I know what he means...
To to let everyone out there know, if I ever meet anyone who either discloses classified information or reports on it after learning about it, I will spit in your face and kick you in the crotch.
One of the most influential bands of the post punk era is Joy Division. Though they only made 2 records before their lead singer, Ian Curtis, committed sucide on the eve of their first American tour, they did pave a way for other groups, like The Smiths (later Morrisey), Souxie and the Banshees, Eho & the Bunnymen, and even Depeche Mode. After Curtis' death, the rest of the band then went to form New Order, one of the biggest bands ofthe 80s.
It looks like he jas bee exonerated!!
Looks like the Palestinians are showing their asses again, and need to be put in their place, so the IDF has no problems fulfilling that request. The Palestinians kidnapped a soldier, and Israel wants him back. Not an unreasonable request, in my not so humble opinion.
These are the lyrics of a song from one of my favorite bads (and you thgought I didn't like 80's synth pop...)
Snagged from
I watched a program last night on the History International Channel entitels, "Soldiers For Hire." It was about modern PMCs and their effects and needs during times of crisis.
Whenever I received a briefing on Korea, the main word was "When", not "if." Korea has the ability to pound Seoul, the capital of South Korea, with something like 10,000 artillery shells a minute. A. Minute. For an indefinite period of time. So basically, within a day or so, the capital of South Korea could be totally destroyed within a day or so.
With all the rhetoric from the Left about taking over the House and Senate this year, Victor Davis Hanson gives us this article, which realistically paints a pretty picture come election time.
After reading this, I wonder if the people who say that we should cut and run really know what the hell they are talking about.
After spending the weekend on the North Coast of this People's Republik of Kaliforniastan, I came home to my son's final party with his baseball team. After a great game in the semifinal round, we came up a run short against the Athletics in what was the best minor little league baseball game I have honestly seen. All the boys played well and should be proud of themselves.
Apparently Mayor Ray Nagin cannot keep his city in relative safety, so he calls for help.
For news and commentary about whater, I just like his style...
A friend of mine whom I served with had to remind me that today marks the 231st Birthday of the United States Army.
I posted this a few months ago. As I said, it is probably not PC, and now with the crap allegations (which are jus that - allegations) about Haditha, CAIR is a little upset about it.
I will post pics of the trip to Yosemite tonoght, if I can get the time; Gunner BK's Yankees team won last night, and is in the Championship game!!
Starbucks' Banana Caramel Coconut Frappucino is Gluttony (one of the 7 Deadly Sins) in a plastic cup.
My brother is a great guy. Older than me, he has been my mentor through most of my life when it comes to the most important things: he taught me how to hit (though left handed, I bat right handed and blame him), music (though I still listen to the stuf we listened to together, I have progressed to other genres), movies (pretty much still the same), and the finer food establishments in the Northern California area. As I got older, I began to veer away politically from his views, but we never discussed that stuff when growing up (though we came from a military family). I am hard Right, and his views are to the left of me.
So I was talking to a couple of college students this morning while working, and one of them asked the other if he had gone to see the new "Omen" that opened yesterday. I said to them basically to see the original first.
That day 62 years ago when American, British, Canadian, and even French men ran into sheer walls of concrete and gunfire. Others valiantly scaled walls. President Reagan spoke 22 years ago at that hallowed ground.
I need to congratulate my best friend and wife on her graduation from college late last month. She finally earned her Bacherlor's of Arts in Child Development.
When I was at DLI, studying the Cesky (pronounced CHesky - there should be a hacek over the C), we had to look on the bulletin boards on the walls outside of the classrooms at our schoolhouse. My particular schoolhouse once belonged to the Colored troops in the late 1800's. They are National Landmarks, and cannot be torn down. It was pretty cool to know that.